By Shot and Gun
By Sophia Gonzales, 16, Spain
Children beg for their fathers’ lives
At the feet of the privileged
They are told they are “less than”
Like a decree, a proclamation
While mothers say “Black is beautiful”
Children listen to the cold comfort
Seared in the flames of withering injustice
“I can’t breathe” say the fathers
While children hide in the shadows
Of doubt and shame
Listening to loud refrains
Of rules and respect
And warnings of caution
Until their innocence vanishes
Taken away by shot and gun
Every day, their excitement vanishes
As swift as a gunshot
Children silenced by empty words and broken promises
Of justice and change
Their greatest desire
To be heard and accepted
But the triggers are pulled too quick
And there are bullets left to persecute
While children wonder if they are next.
The world is full of social issues that cause havoc and heartache—especially racism. America is a nation with an outstanding economy, plentiful resources and diverse communities. Yet we fail to treat people with equality and respect; a whole system is shattered by the simple concept of color and families are broken by fear and loss. There have been too many lives snatched, too many people subject to hatred and oppression. We are the voice of the voiceless and change needs to happen. It is important to build others up, to honor and bless them, because justice will come in the form of love.
Instagram: @sophiagonzales.04
Photo by Nechirwan Kavian