By Alexis Hunter, 22
every morning i stare at my reflection in the mirror
i remind myself that my people and i are beautiful
that our skin tells unique stories that many do not want to hear
and i know we are beautiful
we deserve to live
you say we are darts loaded and ready to aim
but i have seen our gentle eyes smile at a stranger passing by
our outstretched arms embrace a child
our hands fix things you say would always be broken
our mere presence fill a room with joy and laughter
as people dance to the rhythm of our voices
i know we are beautiful
and i will not allow you to tell me any differently
i have spent my whole life reminding myself that i am beautiful
that my people are beautiful
that we are worthy
that we deserve to live
we deserve to live
being Black should not be a death sentence
you do not understand how tiring it is trying to convince you of this
Black lives are still being taken at the hands of police brutality. This poem is a reminder to myself and those who are Black that we are beautiful and deserve to live. We must continue fighting for justice and equity in our world. #blacklivesmatter
Instagram: @alexishunter & @poetic_lex // Twitter: @alexishunter // Facebook: @AlexisHunter