Haibun: Between Pink Stained Fingers
There’s a crab apple tree in my backyard. It’s been there for twenty years, four years older than I.
My Light in the Dark
Maybe I overreact Maybe I’m just sensitive But ever since the third, Nothing’s the same.
Early Morning in the Ozarks
Table Rock Lake sits below me. Fog covers it like a blanket whispering through the trees,
Join us for our first annual create-a-thon fundraiser!
Join us for an interactive evening of adult fun through creating!
Dear Mother
By Amanda Reid, 15, Illinois Dear Mother, You pushed me to do stuff I didn’t know I could do, Believing in me when no one else did, Always having faith…
Emily Biwer, 17, Wisconsin I stand facing this person, all I can see are her flaws. Comparing every bit of unattractiveness of her features. Her face, the reddening of acne…
What Is This Feeling
Maybe it's Monachopsis, The feeling of being out of place. Or Athazagoraphobia, The fear of being left or abandoned.
Intense Emotions
being abandoned feels like mourning a death
Why Does Poetry Matter?
Our eyes see it. Our brain longs for it. For a connection.
Sunlight and Trees
Birds and I sing together, I dance with grass – I climb the trees.
The Flip Side
If only you saw the flipside The other side of the me that you see.
Study For My Dream
Morpheus always shows me the same thing when I go with him. Just a window.
Treading History
The darkest days of history begin not with pestilence and paper-burning
Collection of Sijo Poetry
Sijo is a Korean traditional form of poetry. Sijo is written in three lines, each with four groups of 1-5 syllables with a total of 14-16 syllables per line.
Can you hear the crisp pull of skin peeling off my lips? My eyelids? My wrist?
Mississippi Yearning
you are a veiny thing gossamer serpent stretching its neck from stem to stern
The Fault of the Moon
Just as the ocean’s tides recede, the waves always come back to feed.
The scent of smoke burns my skin. All I can smell are the flames burning before me.
Double Double This This
Double mirrors and doorways— Double keys and hard drives—
I stitch my shroud, in quiet contemplation It is time that I race against, leaving rough edges I never hope to finish.