Peer Mentorship Program
Ready to lead conversations in your community? Ready to sharpen your creative voice? Ready to master the most in-demand skill for Gen-Z? Youth Be Heard is debuting a virtual mentorship program that pairs low-income, at-risk youth with experienced, published peer mentors to cultivate their creative voices. Through this four-month program, student mentees will receive 1-on-1 creative mentorship, expert insight into the creative process, and key lessons to creating art with a healthy mindset–all for free! (Ages 13-18)
What is the PMP? Student applicants will be paired with a peer mentor from the YBH Youth Advisory Board based on their chosen artistic specialty. Over the course of 4 months, mentees will receive key insights into the process of creation, publishing, and community leadership through art. Throughout the program, mentees will create a capstone piece that encompasses the lessons discussed in PMP.
Who is eligible? PMP hopes to serve students who are underrepresented in the fields of visual and written media, including those who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled, low-income, first-generation college students, or more. However, if you do not identify with any of these labels, feel free to submit your application anyway! Mentees ideally have an interest in art and community leadership. However, it is not expected for mentees to have in-depth experience in either.
When will PMP run? The program commences in February 2023. Mentees will meet with mentors twice a month for 30-60 minutes via Zoom/Google Meets. Meeting dates will be decided between mentees and mentors. The PMP program is slated to end in May.
How much does PMP cost? Nothing! This free peer-mentorship program is meant to encourage other emerging youth leaders to change their communities through creative expression. Potential costs may be incurred if you choose to purchase materials for creating art.
How do I apply? You can start your application using this form. It is not expected that you complete this application in a short amount of time. The deadline for this application is Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 11:59 PM CST. If you have any questions about the application, please email bridthao20@gmail.com.