Submit Your Work
Writing helps me process my life and the world around me. It makes me take something chaotic and make some sense of it all. And, I’m proving to myself that I have valuable thoughts. Maybe others can benefit from them too.”
NADIA BARNARD, Youth Be Heard writer
- Submission is open year-round and eligible for youth between the ages of 13 – 24.
- After submission, you will hear back from a member of the YBH team within one month.
- While YBH cannot guarantee that a submission will be published, we do our best to offer kind and constructive feedback for all written work so you can continue to improve your writing.
- If your work is selected for publication on youthbeheard.org, a dedicated editor will work with you for final adjustments and polishing. Note that it is common to receive a lot of feedback – do not get discouraged! We put a lot of effort into every piece to get it ready for publishing.
We accept all forms of writing including opinion, exposition, poetry, short stories, song lyrics, and more. We do not currently accept long-form writing (such as a full script for a play or books).
We accept the following forms of art: video, music, monologue, lyrics, drawings, paintings, sculptures, photography, and most definitely doodles. Make sure all your submissions have been scanned with the right crop or photographed head-on with sufficient lighting.
Ready to share your work? Click below!
Check out our page: How To Write for Youth Be Heard for more information.
Need writing ideas? Check out our guide: prompts and inspiration for the growing writer!
Questions? Email info@youthbeheard.org