Youth Be Heard
ocean waves, sea sickness, poetry, mental health
Anxiety,  Depression,  Mental Health,  Poetry,  Writing

Sea Sickness

By Sophia Gonzales, 16, Spain

Innocence is beautiful 

Like a simple dive 

Dipping in and out 

Of mistaken understanding 

Floating in blissful ignorance 

Untroubled by the big waves 

Beckoning the roughness of the sea 

Yet salt stings the eyes awake 

And water brims heedlessly

Overflowing at the shallows of our hearts 

Plaintive melodies of silent screams 

Sing songs of false happiness 

Of those lost at sea

Drowning in the storm 

Of heartache and anxiety 

Instructed by darkness

To not dare wave their hands in distress 

Those who cried oceans to sleep. 

I was inspired by a poem I studied in school about someone’s silent struggle with mental illness: “Not Waving But Drowning,” by Stevie Smith. I wrote this poem to show that people are not always what they seem–those who hide behind false facades suffer alone. You cannot heal if you hurt when no one is watching. Rather, use your pain to help others and learn to accept support and ask for guidance.

Instagram: @sophiagonzales.04

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