Youth Be Heard
man staring at sunset, my way home, poetry
Poetry,  Relationships,  Writing

My Way Home

By Aaron Stokes, 18, Spain

Sometimes you say goodbye 

To someone you truly love 

And you think you may never see them again. 

And you reach into the farthest 

Most terrifying depths of the future 

And picture yourself ineffably alone 

Because you might as well be

Without them. 

But I want you to remember,

You’re never truly alone.

Just because the sun is down 

Does not mean it will never rise again. 

Just because the summer is over 

Does not mean you will never feel warmth. 

Cold is paralyzing but it, too, will fade away

And make room for a new, beautiful season. 

Just because the stars are misaligned 

Does not mean your destiny is out of reach. 

Your mind may tell you otherwise,

But know that your heart is always right. 

You will not stay lost for eternity. 

Because if you truly love someone 

You will find your way home. 

I wrote this poem as advice to myself. At the end of this summer my best friend left to live in another country, and as I was walking away after saying goodbye I wondered when I would see them again, if ever. I wrote this poem is to tell myself that yes, I will see them again. Just because the summer ends does not mean the next year will only be winter. I knew that I will see them again because I love them, and because of that simple fact they will never disappear.

Photo by Joshua Earle

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