Youth Be Heard
wishing well, poetry
Mental Health,  Poetry,  Relationships,  Writing

A Broken Wishing Well

By Sophia Gonzales, 17, Spain

never ending expectations 

are dropped like coins 

splattered into a fountain 

they fall and make a splash

piercing the water abruptly

until its smooth silky surface

is forced into a wavering concern

a tempest of fears

the well wishes too

and groans in pain

it’s cement cracking to the ground

it pleads and begs

like hopeless fingers crossed

on a bandaged hand

worn and throbbing

wanting not to hear a shatter of dreams

but the soft sprinkle of smiles

yours and mine

the well reaches towering hopes

burdened by the childlike dreams

wished for with eyes closed right

and fingers interlaced in a plea

its power to make ambitions come true 

seen as a bright reward 

yet a cunning curse so deeply misunderstood 

the old well breaks in the stifling heat 

a fortress of hopes tumbles like cracked tile

until coins drop into an empty wishing well 

exhausted and dried out 

but continuing to supply the world its desires 

only wishing to make them proud 

to fulfill the needs 

to gain praise and cheers

a beautiful well meant to impress 

broken and incapable

This poem represents the incessant wish to please the people around us- a lifestyle and mentality that can be draining and difficult to maintain. The wishing well tries desperately to satisfy the desires of the world and dismisses its own health until it breaks. The needs and expectations of others are important to us, but our own freedom, identity and voice need to be cared for as well.

Instagram: @sophiagonzales.04

Photo by Josh Kahen

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