By Naya Dukkipati, 18, Texas
From birth we were branded
and now we are left lost and stranded
Our insecurities and fear fall off our lips
and are heard by those around us
A story of one
Becomes the stories for all
This story sinks into their skin
Expanding inside
Spreading to the mind
Then projected onto the next wanderer
Becoming the story the public knows
Branded and scared
These careless labels,
The foundations of our division
These simple words
Stop any similarity to be seen
Any connection to be made
Any community to be built
Branded and aware
We start to see ourselves
The same way
We grow angry and shameful
So we try to throw different labels at ourselves
Hoping something sticks
Something fits
So we are not so lost
Branded and confused
We know these labels don’t fit right
But neither do theirs
Because they are created by hate and ignorance
By fear and misguidance
We remove them and identify as we want
As we see ourselves
They may try to slap these labels on the backs of our shirts
Or write them on our foreheads
Or yell it across the street
But we know the truth, we know who we are
Branded and fearless
Being female, Indian American, and a twin, I often am faced with stereotypes. I think this is a very divisive tool people use and can make people feel lost and confused. I wanted to write a poem that captures this idea and talks about this struggle as well as a way to overcome it.
Instagram: @fadeintohue @nayadukkipati