My Light in the Dark
Maybe I overreact Maybe I’m just sensitive But ever since the third, Nothing’s the same.
HISD Open Door Policy (from the perspective of a student)
The beginning of a new school year is always an adjustment: returning to a regular sleep schedule, forfeiting free time as homework piles up.
As I Await My Departure
As I await my departure I drum my fingers on the desk I’ve made home.
My Little Family
My little family started at Newark Airport with donuts and dreamy gazes. My little family is the eighteenth cohort, a dazzling crew that amazes.
Confined But Not Dejected
The last few months have been challenging for all of us, and in particular teachers. We sometimes feel the depths of despair and pessimism gradually enveloping us. But it's very…
The Flaws of College Applications
Fall semester of junior year, countless high school seniors apply to dozens of colleges each, agonizing over personal statements, test scores, and extracurriculars. The menu of colleges contains over six…
Drunk Driving
These photos are about drunk driving and how it affects your visual perception of the road. This also represents many teens in America who drink and go to parties late…
How to Enjoy High School
Most guides on the internet aimed at incoming high school freshmen are entitled “how to survive high school” or “how to get through high school”. These titles make high school…
Junior Year
I came up with the idea for this piece the day my April SAT scores come out. I had taken the SAT in March, then studied and prepped from those…
By Will Lieber, 18, Illinois This is the first poem I have attempted to write on my own outside of school. I never took much of an interest in poetry…
Ode to Sixteen Summers
summer seems not long ago yet now the blizzards come and go with sleet and slush and silver snow the trees swish-sway, to and fro.
Grilled Cheese
“If you have any extra grilled cheese after everyone has gone through the line, please let me know. They’re my favorite,” I told Gina, the head lunch lady at the…
By Charlotte Cheung, 17 Ohio Medium: digital art This is a piece based on the feeling of not being productive and wanting nothing but to sleep. Knowing that you have…
Crocheting with Kindness
By Nadia Barnard, 16 When I was in fourth grade, my teacher would teach my class how to crochet every Friday. We would do simple chains or make scarves and…
Stuck Inside
Charlotte Cheung, 17 Medium: digital Here’s the first piece that I made during quarantine. It refers to the confinement in our homes that virtually everyone is experiencing right now. Because…
A Silver Lining of Quarantine
By Nadia Barnard, 16 Recently for an online school assignment, I was asked to reflect on a silver lining of being quarantined. The whole point is to find ways to…
This is my interpretation of a tarpon. I tried to just go for it while painting this piece.
COVID-19: A Weird New Life
"Weird is one of the best words I can think of to describe this experience" -Hannah Sterkel, 17
Finding the Bright Side Amid COVID Darkness
Perhaps once the quarantine period is over, we will emerge more in-tune with ourselves and aware of the good in those around us.