Railway for the Lost
the train continues on restless for a home creaking through railways steering through winding and unyielding lines of uncharted territory the train stops for a brief moment departing from its…
The hero you cannot save
i guess i will always be this: the warm coat you reach for on a rainy friday night. the hand you grab onto when the world has sunk you and…
Fight You
This poem is about accepting myself as I am. I can get stuck in negative cycles in my head, and after a while, I started seeing these thoughts as monsters…
This piece is based on my experience with bipolar disorder, specifically the manic side. Personally, mania can involve overwhelming emotions that cause me to cry or laugh uncontrollably. Often, my…
How I Lost My Mom
By H. S., 18, Missouri Creeping into my parents’ bedroom, I stand on my tiptoes to peer over the bed at them. My mom is holding the biggest teddy bear…
Jealousy is my one “toxic” trait, and that’s what wilting is all about. I’m far from perfect; a chubby kid, with low self esteem. Needless to say, I see all…
Sea Sickness
Innocence is beautiful Like a simple dive Dipping in and out Of mistaken understanding Floating in blissful ignorance Untroubled by the big waves Beckoning the roughness of the sea Yet…
The Battle of Two Goods
By Aaron Stokes, 17 The battle of two goods. No one is right, No one is wrong. But “you must pick a side. You must pick a flag to wave,…
Misery, by Niema Hussain Medium: charcoal This piece is meant to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining your mental health...
This too Shall Pass
By Maya Goldberg, 16 This too shall pass, A phrase that helps in dark times and light I thought as time stopped drowning in fright A tidal wave of a…
You, the Miracle
By Aarti Kalamangalam, 16 The world is a tired, worried woman. Lifetimes are stones in her pockets, history a black garb draped upon her figure. With each tear, she inks…
Human Eye
By Zarria Clark, 14 Viewed from the human eye I am unpolluted air difficult to breathe in.Concealing myself away like camouflaging a black eye,I still stand out, yet I don’t…
Color Beyond the Abyss
By Jennifer Aburto, 17 I am an aspiring 17-year-old artist that uses art to show the colors I feel. Recently I experienced something that made my mind dark but fortunately…
Body Image
Emilee Adams, 19 How we see ourselves has an immeasurable impact on our lives. I have found that my “body image” changes rapidly, even on a daily basis sometimes. One…
People say that knowledge is power and if that is true then I wanted to be powerless again.
The Corona Diaries
Life in Quarantine: a diary of exerpts accounting our new realities caused by COVID-19
Insights: Sports, Work & School
Interview with Colton: Insights on high school sports, work, college and more
It’s Safer in My Bedroom
It's safer in here. Love, your anxious daughter
What No One Told Me About Adjusting to College
By Jennie Ellsworth FOMO is real y’all. For those of you that do not know, FOMO stands for the fear of missing out. I found that most of the FOMO…
Holding On
Pretty smiles that aren't always what they seem. Perfect lines and white teeth don't define us. No, we live in the small, almost invisible seconds.